How to Display Google Reviews to Your Website

Are you struggling to show the authenticity of your business? In today’s world, as each day brings new competitors and with them come new challenges providing your credibility has become the toughest task to do. Visitors also have become vigilant enough to save themselves from any type of treachery; therefore they do not easily rely on all the posts and content available on the internet unless they guarantee legitimacy. Reviews also enlighten the companies to make necessary progress for them and grow at a faster rate. In fact, Google reviews are considered to be one of the best examples of user-initiated content, you displaying Google review widgets on your website will not be less than hitting a jackpot. You first need to understand what Google reviews are and how they have such a powerful influence on the visitors.

What Is Google Review?

Before making a purchase or visiting a restaurant, what do you do? Yes, you are correct! Checking out its reviews Looking for a review is the wisest as well as easiest thing to do in such situations. Here Google reviews come into action, they give genuine user reviews on any product, place, etc., which are considered to be beneficial for your visitors and customers. According to the statistics, about 90 percent of the buyers check Google reviews before buying a product. So, being the best of its type, Google reviews help with the visitors to help them make purchasing decisions. However, markets make the best use of Google reviews to improve their business strategically by proving their authenticity. This can be done by equipping your website with Google review widgets therefore that you can display the Google reviews on your website in a stress-free way.

The Best Tool to Embed Google Review Widget on Your Website Easily

Google offers you a variety of third-party tools you can use to display Google review widgets to attract more visitors by portraying your honesty.


To date, Tagembed is regarded to be the best tool for displaying Google review widgets on your website that makes it easily available for your customers. Tagembed is smart enough to maintain the articulacy of your business by displaying both, dark as well as bright reviews, conveniently handling the unwanted trolls. It curates the accumulated content to produce the creative Google reviews.


Elfsight is another tool for displaying Google review widgets on your website, and it is extremely fast and responsive. It is a Saas service that provides your website with vastly customizable widgets with many features. It gives you with a wonderful user experience with a coding-free property.


It is a very devoted tool for displaying Google review widgets on the website to make it more robust. It can enhance the glamour quotient of your website by providing it with remarkable customization options available for layouts, themes, etc. WordPress can curate the content and make the useful and important Google reviews showcase on your website.


WordPress plugin is something that enhances the functionality of your website by adding some additional features to it. Tagembed is an extremely conformable WordPress plugin to display Google review widgets on your website. Here, Google review widgets can be displayed using a variety of personalization options to make them be obvious.

Simple Steps to Follow Google Review Widgets on Your Website

Here are some simple steps you can follow to increase the honesty of your website, thereby increasing the number of your customers. They are as follow:
  1. Create a new Tagembed widget account or sign in to your existing account.
  2. To access feeds in your widgets, go to the dashboard & select “Add social feeds”.
  3. Go for “Google Reviews” in the pop-up available on your screen.
  4. Click on “My Location” & enter the location from where you want to gather your feed.
  5. Now, press the “Create Widget” option to get all the Google reviews in a one place.
  6. Press “Publish Button” and select the platform of your choice.
  7. Now, adjust the size of the Google review feeds according to your webpage.
  8. Click on “Get Code” and paste the respective code in the backend of your website.
  9. Lastly, click on “Apply” to see the Google review widgets on your website.


Consumer reviews are the best way to scale your interaction with your consumers and how much you value their feedback. Additional, a perfect brew of positive as well as negative reviews show the transparency of your company. Proving your genuineness by embedding Google reviews widgets on your website can be an easy way to get feedback and attract countless customers, thus increasing your engagement with them. In excess of an endorsement, peer review makes a great effect on a visitor; this can also influence them strongly to buy your product. Therefore, you can use above mentioned tools to display the Google review widgets on your website and invite more traffic. This act can be a smart trick to show your transparency as well as win the hearts of your visitors and customers. You deserve it. And when those eyes reach you website, they will see your embedded Google reviews and faith your brand even more. “Star Web Maker” our team is excellent at managing audience feedback and embedding reviews on websites, therefore why not consider us to assist you put your best foot forward? Give us a call at +91-7982253158…